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Rochdale Pioneers MUSEUM reopening


Rochdale Pioneers Museum, on Toad Lane, next to the Baum and across from St Mary in the Baum, in our town, the home of the world-wide Co-operative Movement, is planning to celebrate its reopening with an activity day.

The event will mark the planned return to full opening hours this summer and will start a conversation about how we 'Rebuild Better, Together'

The Co-operative Heritage Trust wants to make local people part of how the story of co-operation is told by choosing objects, helping to decide what sort of events to host and how to use the building.

There will be family friendly activities such as banner making, trails, modelling, choosing display objects and food and drink provided.

The Co-operative Bank will also be on site with activities for children as they look forward to welcoming local families back to use this free museum and new Victorian play shop.

In addition to encouraging participation by local people in what is displayed and although there can't be a full summer programme, they want to use this a spring board to restart community groups using the building.

Co-operatives Fortnight and International Co-ops Day 3rd July 11am to 3pm Rochdale Pioneers Museum.

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