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Writer, Carmen Walton, has just published a book on Amazon Kindle titled Mood Boost.

Carmen lives in Oldham, has led creative writing workshops in Rochdale, Bury, Manchester and other places and is currently working at a school in Middleton. Carmen has also published short stories, plays articles and non-fiction pieces and copy. She teaches creative writing to a broad range of people, many of whom have had their work published.

The book has been illustrated by Kathryn Phillips who is a life coach and a workshop practitioner running courses in personal development.

Mood Boost is pertinent to our current Covid-19 dominated world; times of anxiety, fear, and loneliness, offering ‘down to earth and accessible wisdom’, ‘good and ordinary advice’ and ‘practical approaches to increase optimism’.

Each section has ‘Mood Boost’ contemplation and visualisation exercises and to help the reader to not just dwell on things, there is also a ‘Do Something Practical’ in each section.

Carmen told me,’ ‘We developed the idea when we wanted to read books for the soul that were accessible, didn't use overworked images i.e. hearts for love and felt ordinary and for everyone.’

She added, ‘When the quarantine eases, we will be running workshops using the entries in the book.’

You can read a short section here:

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