REVIEW by Steve Cooke
I recently had the honour of being asked to write the Forward to Jimmy Cricket’s autobiography.

“You are about to enter the world of the wonderful human being that is Mr James Mulgrew.
Hear about his childhood years growing up in Northern Ireland and his days spent in the holiday camps. The tough times touring the North of England club circuit as a stand-up comedian and his big break into television culminating in his own series for Central television in the eighties and his radio series in the nineties.
Join him, his family and those well-known and unknown to the wider world, on a journey that will fill your heart with joy and laughter and also tug at its strings.
Jimmy shows us what true celebrity can be as he provides a much-needed alternative to the meteoric rise and burn of our ‘look at me’ culture.
Memoirs of an Irish Comedian – The Jimmy Cricket Story is life affirming! After reading it I felt better about the world of showbiz and the world in general - ENJOY!’”

I truly believe that Jimmy should be celebrated far and wide for keeping alive the tradition of Variety and providing joyous family fun.
I cannot recommend this book highly enough!
Available from Amazon at £11.99 and worth every penny.
