Many people don’t have the time or inclination to visit art galleries. So, it is wonderful to see Your Trust, Your Culture, Touchstones team getting art out into our communities.
Lisa Allen, Co-Head of Culture, Touchstones explains:
‘We have two Lowrys on loan from the Co-op as part of an exhibition and one in our own collection. We decided to use the paintings as inspiration for creative kits with local artist Beam Irwin making them. We sent a kit to Arcon tenants - a light-up window display. [Photographs of this project are in the ‘What’s changed’ exhibition].’
With restrictions lifting, we thought it would be great to take one from the Co-op and our own Lowry to the tenants. On Saturday 26th Arcon Housing held a small outdoor festival, led by Sarah Taylor. We were joined by Skylight Circus Arts, carpenter Col Unswoth, storyteller, Beth Wilcox and of course Beam Irwin.’
‘We loved getting the collection out into the heart of our communities and it is something we want to do a lot more of, our wonderful Collection should be seen by more people in different ways. Taking art out in a van and parking up on the street was such an easy way to do this and people really loved it!’