By Steve Cooke

During these difficult times I am eager to celebrate innovative ways that the future of the creative community is being assured. One shining example of this is Wardle Academy. An educational institution with a long and very remarkable history in encouraging creativity, especially in music.
As musicians across the country are struggling to find ways to create, perform and share their music Wardle Academy pupils have been working hard in their instrumental music lessons. During the Autumn term they have quickly adapted to the new way of working under the covid-19 restrictions.
It is inspiring to see some of the excellent progress they have made on a short showcase video
The Performing Arts tutors in the summer term ran a thoroughly successful virtual music festival that gave all their students the opportunity to share their music. This term they have recorded music for remembrance and are currently working on producing a virtual carol concert to go out to the village on Christmas Eve and to share with local care homes and Redwood School as these are places they would normally visit at Christmas to play carols.
Congratulations and thanks to all involved: teachers, students, and their supporters.