Freelands Foundation Emergency Fund
Who can apply: Freelance creative practitioners based in England and Northern Ireland who work in the visual arts and are experiencing severe financial hardship due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
What: Grants of £1,500 – £2,500.
Deadline for applications: Applications will be accepted until 2:00pm on Thursday 18th June 2020 and decisions will be made on a weekly basis. You can apply at any time. There are no deadlines. Applicants will be informed of decisions approximately two weeks after submitting their application.
How to apply: Please read Further information and Application guidance.
The Freelands Foundation has partnered with a-n The Artists Information Company to set up this new £1.5m Emergency Fund for artists and freelancers in the visual arts sector living in England and Northern Ireland. The new fund will support grants of £1,500 to £2,500 per person, assessed by need, with £1 million going to those living in England and £500k to those in Northern Ireland.
The new fund follows a £1m contribution to the Creative Scotland Bridging Bursary and £500k to the Arts Council of Wales Urgent Relief Fund for Individuals.
Jayne Knight, Chair of a-n Board, said: “We know that getting money to artists is the most useful, practical action that a-n can take during this challenging period. We are proud that Freelands Foundation has chosen a-n to distribute their hardship funds to the visual arts.”