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Falinge Writing Group visit Afflecks Palace.


By Eileen Earnshaw

Following the visit of champion poetry slammer Joy France, Falinge Writing Group recently ventured into Afflecks Palace to see the unique space that Joy has created.

Afflecks Palace is an indoor market that sells such as Vinyl records, witty greetings cards, pottery of all descriptions, clothing that simulates Vivienne Westwood, tattoo parlours and on the ground floor, a coffee bar.

All these wonders however were not the reason we made the visit. Joy France is the poet in residence of Afflecks Palace. On the very top floor she has a creative space with a collection of artefacts that creatives from all over the world have left for other people to enjoy and examine. There are drawings, poems, prose, examples of embroidery and even knitting. The walls are full of graffiti. Everyone and anyone can use the space even though for much of the time it is not manned. Joy says that in all the time she has been poet in residence, there has not been an occasion when anything has been removed or damaged in anyway. From time to time, she writes poetry for the stall holders which is much appreciated and contributes to their welfare.


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