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  • Writer's pictureSTEVE COOKE AATA

EILEEN EARNSHAW - Creative writing is flourishing

It was an exciting start to July for the writers of Rochdale. The very first face to face workshop since the beginning of lockdown was held in Touchstones on the 1st July. It was facilitated by Jenny Bailey, the meeting was very well attended, and for those who could not attend, the Zoom facility was available. Employing Zoom was an experiment for this first meeting, whether it is continued will be decided shortly.

The Bolton City of Sanctuary Wednesday Writing Group will be continuing their workshops on line well into the summer. Currently they are coordinating with the Live From Worktown in their ‘Winter Hill’ project that is a celebration to be held on the 5th September which is the date of the mass invasion of Rivington Moor in 1896 by the people of Lancashire to prevent the enclosure of the moor as a private hunting ground. The group are also delighted to announce that the University of Bolton as a part of their Community Initiative will from time to time supply a guest facilitator to the group. The first of these was Dr Ben Wilkinson, the next will be Dr Evan Jones whose work includes the highly acclaimed ‘Nothing Fell Today but Rain’ and ‘Later Emperors’. This event will take place on 14th July at 10 am to 12 noon and will be Zoomed. The event will be free to attend, further information regarding I.D and Password can be obtained by contacting Work produced during the session can be edited the following week.

The pandemic and lockdown have highlighted the value of this natural resource to the ever growing numbers of visitors who have benefitted from improved access and groundwork associated with the Rivington Gardens restoration. The work has made ever more people aware of the geographical, technological, ecological and recreational significance of the area.

The project reaches out to a wide range of creative contributors by working with schools, disability, minority and faith groups during August and September to help members gain access to the hill.

As well as the commemorative walk and picnic on the day, it is envisaged that there will be a photography competition, a Live from Worktown publication containing commissioned shots and selected competition photographs. The publication will also contain eight pages of maps and forty pages of text. There will be a month long exhibition held to display work produced during the project.

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