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Eileen Earnshaw blogs in the times of corona

The thing is, as I yelled to my neighbour across the patch of grass that separates us. I don’t know about you, but, I think that I am now word perfect on almost all of Agatha Christie’s writings. Much as I love them, enough is enough. Its time there was a change and as far as I’m concerned the Sunday night goings on in Belgravia, although interesting in their way, (Don’t we all love those frocks) is simply not enough. We still have, of course, the amazing writing group’s website’s which we are all contributing to, that comprise of Word weavers. Touchstones and Langley writers but for a change here are some things I’ve found online that might be of interest.

Write to Unite. For this project, they want a letter, a poem, a story, in fact anything you write at all. Post it on #write to or put it in the window, on Facebook or twitter. So lift the spirits, write and unite. We don’t know how long this situation is going to last yet. We could do worse that have a look at #Take 5 on Twitter. This is every weekday afternoon at 5 pm and has tips for literary usefulness and joy. So far covered are funding for writers, literary podcasts, virtual festivals and theatre you can enjoy at home.

The annual V.S. Pritchett short story competition, is currently in progress. Entries must have a 2000 to 4000 word count, be written in English. Entrants must be resident in the U.K. Republic of Ireland or the Commonwealth. Closing date July 3rd 2020. There are fifty free entries available but application must be received before 19th June 2020.

New voice in Poetry is a new initiative, free to enter, but, there is an age restriction of 18 to 35 year olds. The prize is £250 plus publication alongside established poets. Format, upload two original poems, voice, or voice with music and sound, be quick, closing date 1st May 2020. For more information and application go to Culture Recordings website.

The Hay festival is of course cancelled for this year but have a look at hayfestival#imaginetheworld. There are 7000 recordings from festivals across the world for an annual fee of £10. Currently there’s a free film with Kier Starmer discussing ideas of how to reform Britain’s institutions. Fascinating stuff. Look after each other, stay home, stay well.

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