CP and Me Podcast is a great place to listen to discussions and hear stories about everything disability related.

The podcasters are Aaron Diskin and Ruth Wheeldon, broadcast journalism students from the University of Salford. Aaron has Cerebral Palsy and Ruth has Chronic Pain. They more than achieve their aim, ‘to ask, answer and discuss everything disability related, to teach others as well as ourselves’.
They created the CP and Me Podcast in response to an issue Aaron had faced when he was denied entry to his own 21st birthday meal, as they did not have the wheelchair access he needed.
Aaron and Ruth found out that multiple people had faced similar situations, so decided to create their own podcast so that people with different disabilities had a platform to share their story.
The CP and me podcast vividly brings to life the struggles faced and opportunities available to those with disabilities, those looking after people with disabilities and to raise awareness in the wider community by sharing stories illuminated by open conversations and supported by answering questions some might be too embarrassed to ask.
Have a listen at https://m.soundcloud.com/user-856744887