What I am most looking forward to being able to do post lockdown.
Andy King, CEO, Link4Life
Host a huge staff party at the Arena to celebrate - this is post vaccine mind you!
Gary Bridson-Daley, Author
As with virtually all people I think the key thing will be to see family and friends again in a normal way and be able to do some of the things I/we miss the most, such as the swimming and other exercise I would normally do, really feeling it not being able to do that. Also, during this lovely weather that we have been having being able to go places, whether it be jumping on a train and going on a day trip right through to holidays in order to be able to re-charge and de-stress!
Katie Haigh, Poet
After The Storm
When it all ends,
I will hug those I love,
Never let them go.
Be grateful for time together,
Like never before.
I’ll appreciate the little things,
A girls night with my Mum,
Creating memories,
Invaluable every one.
We’ll visit my in-laws,
Chat about the everyday,
Share fun and laughter,
Whittle the time away.
I’ll meet up with my sign group,
Preparing for BGT,
After we got through to the semi finals,
With singing and signing ‘This is me’
I’ll catch up with my friends,
We’ll run our Brownie group,
The adventure never ends
With an awesome team I love.
I will cherish all the little things,
Take time to say I’m blessed.
Most of all my mental health ease,
My soul be able to rest.
What I hope will be different in the new 'normal'.
Andy King, CEO, Link4Life
I hope the increased care and compassion shown towards the ‘workers’ in society continues and we reward them properly financially and with an increased respect.
Gary Bridson-Daley, Author
I hope people not taking for granted the freedom and liberties they have enjoyed for so long, these were the legacies that the wartime generation gifted us that we still enjoy as a result of their sacrifices, something close to my heart as an author who writes about that 'Greatest Generation', and something that needs to be remembered with 'A Debt of Gratitude' as we move forward into our 'New Normal'.
Katie Haigh, Poet
Lessons of Covid19
Will we learn,
From days of separation.
Forced lockdown,
Loss of free will.
A display of generosity,
Human kindness,
Has shone like the rainbows,
In windows around the country.
Communities have united,
Clapping for key workers.
Supporting neighbours,
Showing that we care.
Still some have been depraved,
Preying on the vulnerable.
Spitting in faces.
Trolling government officials,
For the way they look.
What and who will prevail,
Once normality returns?
Will it be gratitude?
Feelings of being humbly blessed?
Or will we return to selfishness?
Wanting for materialistic needs.
Whatever the outcome.
I hope we will breathe in,
Every moment.
Hug each other slightly tighter.
Tell those you love,
That you love them.
Cherish time together,
Don’t take for granted,
What you have.